Robert Oberst

The American Monster


If you really want to take your Strength to the next level, it’s time to get serious.

Training like a Strongman isn’t just for the competitive Strongman; training like a Strongman is for anyone who is sick and tired of the regular gym flow, lack of results, or is just ready for a change of pace. Whether you’re working out at a regular gym or one that is strength sports based, you can still get the same results as long as you have two things: the WILL to do better and a Coach who CARES. With this training, you’re able to get exactly what you need. Robert Oberst works with athletes of every level, from the individual who is just starting out in Strongman, regular gym goers, and even the established competitive athlete.

Are you ready to train ‘Til The Wheels Fall Off?


In Depth Athlete Analysis-

One on One coaching for those that are serious about their training. Robert will develop a training regiment specifically for you and your athletic goals. He will personally analyze all training footage as well as break down your body’s physical response to the program. Added benefits of this program are the ability to communicate with Robert via email, and response time is twenty four hours or less*. Whether you are a new lifter or a competitive strength athlete, this is the training for you.

*Athletes outside of the U.S. will use WhatsApp

Coaching Options:

Coaching Only- $250/month


Coaching + Nutrition: $300/month


Coaching Options
